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Talent Speak Series: Fathur, Junior Full Stack Developer


Hi! My name is Muhammad Fathurrohman. You can call me Fathur. I graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada with a computer science major. During my spare time, I like to play games, jogging, and read books, especially about tech.

I joined Kitameraki as a junior full stack developer, a person who maintains codebase of the digital product from the back to front. As part of the developer team, we must deliver the product that satisfies the user requirement, but we must also create the code to be easy to maintain, readable, and scalable so that the development cost is still low. In addition, as technology is updating so fast, we always need to have a willingness to learn something new.

The best part of my job is when I and the developer team can fulfil the user requirements and make the user happy. It has a special meaning to me because that is proof that I can ease someone’s life by doing my job. That is why I always try to do my job with 100% of me and attracted to join Kitameraki. Kitameraki has a value to do something with soul, creativity, or love. I thought Kitameraki has been succeeding in delivering its service to the client and customer.

During my time in Kitameraki, the essential skills that I need to succeed are adaptive, effective communication skills, and collaboration skills. To deliver a great service or product, we need to be adaptive to fulfil the requirement. We also need to have effective communication and collaboration skills so that there is no misunderstanding between the team.

Talent Speak Series: Fathur, Junior Full Stack Developer


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