Hello, my name is William Hokianto, you can call me Willi or William. I completed my study at Multimedia Nusantara University with a bachelor degree in information system. At my leisure time, I like to hang out with my family & friends, go fishing, or play drums at times to clear my mind after a long day of work. Now, I took specialization in the Business Intelligence area, mainly in data engineering and data visualization.
As a BI Consultant at Kitameraki, my responsibilities include assisting clients in enhancing data strategy, evaluate existing data and analytics systems, and plan a good ‘BI roadmap’. In a way, my job is to help organizations establish a data-driven strategy by recommending the best way to organize, analyze, and present data with the ultimate goal to increase efficiency, facilitate decision-making, and improve performance by aligning business requirements and data strategy. Being a BI consultant is not always easy, sometimes it can be quite challenging. On one side, you want to express your creativity side by exploring more on business intelligence, while on the other side, you need to do things in a time-efficient manner. Overall, I've learned many new things working in Kitameraki, there are quite a lot of on-going and planned BI projects in business areas that I have never explored before. It keeps my problem-solving skill sharp.
In my perspective, Kitameraki means solidarity and synergy between team and people to create a unique solution to solve problems and challenges. As a consulting company, human resource is one of the most valuable asset, so I would say that interpersonal communication is the most crucial skill. It is then followed by technical skill to create the best technology solution. Success of Kitameraki is shown by having high satisfaction and good long-term relation with customers/clients.
