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3 Mei 20245 menit membaca
Fase ke 3 dalam Proses Design Thinking: Pembuatan Ide
Ideation is the design thinking process phase in which you focus on idea creation. In terms of thoughts and consequences, it symbolizes a me
228 tampilan0 komentar

25 Mei 20237 menit membaca
AI dan Teknologi dalam Manufaktur Makanan: Bagaimana Nestle dan Lainnya Tetap Menjadi yang Terdepan
Produsen makanan & minuman berjuang melawan preferensi konsumen, peraturan, dan harga. Teknologi makanan mengontrol produk & bantuan AI dala
776 tampilan0 komentar

12 Apr 20234 menit membaca
Nilai Bisnis dari Clean Code dalam Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak
Clean code adalah aspek penting dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak yang dapat berdampak signifikan terhadap kualitas produk akhir, kepuasan
31 tampilan0 komentar

29 Sep 20211 menit membaca
Reduce the size of your Powerpoint presentation
Have you ever face the issue of not being able to email a Powerpoint presentation because it was too heavy, this is a must read.
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29 Sep 20211 menit membaca
Microsoft Teams Tips #3 - When to use Channel conversation vs Chat
It can be confusing when to post a message in Channel conversation or in Chat. This basic guideline will help you make the right choice.
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29 Sep 20212 menit membaca
Guidelines on how to structure Microsoft Teams in your company
Find the right balance between letting users take "ownership" of Teams, but also control some part of it, so that it does not become chaos.
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29 Sep 20211 menit membaca
Microsoft Teams Tips #2 - Synchronizing your Teams files
How to get the best experience when editing frequent files stored in Teams.
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29 Sep 20211 menit membaca
Microsoft Teams Tips #1 - Floating chat
Use floating chat to keep an eye on important conversation.
20 tampilan0 komentar
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